About me
Born in Korneuburg in 1972
Strengths: creativity, conception, empathy
Publications on the topic of competence management and development
Small joy: creating, learning or trying something new
Favorite place: in the forest on a mountain
Sparring partner for inter- and intrapersonal competence development & conflicts | Online, business settings & natural space
Competence diagnostics & coaching
Management consultant for strategic competence management and innovative company learning concepts
Lecturer or tutor and e-tutor at the Danube University Krems, at the FH Vienna WKW and at the FHCampus Vienna
Trainer in the private sector
Speaker and author
Around 10 years of professional experience in personnel development and all HR areas
NLP Master practitioner
Mediation training
Training to become a forest bathing trainer -
Licensing in the area of ​​competence diagnostics and development as a KODE® and KODE®X consultant and trainer
Coaching training
Master of Arts (MA), human resources management and skills development with new media
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Human Resources and Knowledge Management
My offer to you
Arrange a non-binding consultation with me. I would be happy to explain the advantages of mediation to you.
Christiana Scholz
30 min.
Advisory center
+43 699 19545750
My personal experience
If we equate meaningful action with competent action and connect it with contemplative intelligence, what is needed above all is emotional balance - a freedom from conflicts, doubts, thought merry-go-rounds and uncertainties in order to always actually act with the intended meaning and desired level of competence. Active self-mindfulness, balance in nature, sensitive sparring partnerships and professional conflict management are effective measures to enjoy life, togetherness and at work with a peaceful, balanced feeling. It's just a good feeling about everything you do.