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information for
Journalists and editorial staff

Conflicts are responsible for more than 50% of mental illnesses. We at PROCONSENS.AT take on this social issue and want to create awareness for it. We show you how to deal with conflicts and use their potential. Because conflict resolution contains personal well-being and the opportunity for growth and development, for yourself or for your company.


Our Conten Partners

Our topics

Austrian employees want a positive conflict culture in the workplace.

Why productive arguing pays off for companies.

Successfully assert yourself at work. That's how you get what you want.

What is the cost of standing still? Conflicts as a driver for growth.

How do I face my daily conflicts (long queues, blocked seats ...) and develop composure?

Can competence in dealing with conflicts be learned?

"You're too young for that." How to deal with killer phrases.

Download conflict study


The results of the study “Conflict culture in Austrian companies” are in. One thing is clear right away: employees rate the conflict culture in the workplace much more critically than managers!

300 companies took part in the PROCONSENS.AT study and the findings surprised us. Managers and employees are very open about conflicts and see massive effects on everyday working life.


The study “Covid-19 and the Digitalization of Mediation,” conducted in the first quarter of 2023, investigated the effects of the pandemic on mediation.


In principle, mediation in the digital space is largely assessed by respondents as being balanced compared to face-to-face mediation. However, there are a few stumbling blocks that need to be overcome to ensure that dispute resolution online is also successful.

Statue with Mask_edited.jpg

Conflict? I can.

The conflict guide. Free download.
Konflikt_ Kann ich!

Have you ever thought about the subsequent costs that conflicts can cause in your company? We have designed a calculator for you. Download the conflict cost calculator now and calculate your individual costs. We look forward to your feedback.

How you can reach us.

Mag. Jürgen Dostal

+43 681 81614885

We are happy to be available for interviews in print, online, TV and podcast media formats and share our knowledge and experiences on the topic of a positive conflict culture.

Further information about PROCONSENS.AT's partners and their focus areas can be found here:

Information material

The use of the images for media coverage about us is free of charge.


Get in touch and inform.

Let's get in touch...

Call us for a non-binding consultation. We would be happy to explain to you how mediation works. Currently we offer our service on 5 location in Austria.

Contact via Tel: +43 (0) 681 81614885

You will find us 5 times in Austria.

5 times in Austria
Jürgen Dostal, 2811
Christina Scholz, 1230 Vienna
Christiana Scholz, 1230 Vienna
Jürgen Dostal, 2811 Wiesmath
Annette Behrendt, 6020 Innsbruck

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