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Our special offer for experts

An impenetrable communication barrier separates businessmen. Misunderstanding. Lack of tec

Leading with

Productnumber: 2024-06

€ 1.490,00 

Is your organization growing and with it the demands on young managers? New superiors should not only act quickly and confidently in their role, but also make groundbreaking decisions, motivate the team and inspire them to achieve a common goal. This is exactly where our structured coaching program comes in: It supports your managers in sharpening their leadership identity, managing conflicts confidently and establishing clear, motivating communication. In this way, they learn to take on responsibility in a targeted manner, to lead their team successfully and to promote productive cooperation in the long term. Content • Personality Every person has individual strengths. The LINC personality profile shows which character dimensions are particularly pronounced and how they are best used. • Group dynamics A team is essentially shaped by the interaction of different characters. Understanding the dynamics is the key to better collaboration. • Communication Effective leadership ultimately relies on clear communication and inner clarity. The manager learns to define values ​​and establish principles that guide daily actions. • Conflicts Conflict is a natural part of interpersonal relationships. Here, managers learn to deal with difficult situations confidently and in a solution-oriented manner. • Appearance and impact A confident appearance and a convincing impact are central building blocks of successful leadership. Here managers learn their charisma and communication.

Your challenge

Are your managers still relatively new to the role of manager and can they learn what it means to lead people? Do you have to make important decisions frequently and under uncertain conditions? Is it difficult for your managers to unite the team behind a common goal? Your managers can train their communication skills so that they can motivate employees well.

Our offer

6* 75 minutes of coaching every two weeks, a personality profile and a leadership profile. The program includes six modules focused on personal development, leadership skills, team dynamics, communication, conflict management and time management. Each module strengthens the individual leadership personality and brings both the leadership and the Team on the road to success. Your managers learn: Know yourself and your strengths better. Develop a clear personal identity as a leader. To motivate the team through confident actions and effective communication. Through individual 1:1 support, very personal hurdles can be overcome.

Your benefit

• Strengthen self-awareness and further development of leadership identity Leading with Confidence: develop leadership and communication skills • Teaching practical methods for a confident appearance and clear communication • Building a constructive conflict culture and optimizing time and self-management

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Get in touch and inform.

Let's get in touch...

Call us for a non-binding consultation. We would be happy to explain to you how mediation works. Currently we offer our service on 5 location in Austria.

Contact via Tel: +43 (0) 681 81614885

You will find us 5 times in Austria.

5 times in Austria
Jürgen Dostal, 2811
Christina Scholz, 1230 Vienna
Christiana Scholz, 1230 Vienna
Jürgen Dostal, 2811 Wiesmath
Annette Behrendt, 6020 Innsbruck

Contact Request

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